Identify Your Target Market

Targeted demographics mean higher success rates. Some practices just drop postcards in the mail, but if you don’t target the right people, you don’t get the right patients. This is why it’s vital to target your market. Demographics generally describe a few things, like age group, gender, income level, geographic location and education level. Your demographics and target market vary by which services you choose to market. For example, marketing dentures should be reserved for an older demographic, whereas braces might make more sense to market to younger people.

At, we’ll help you find your target market by creating a targeted mailing list and demographic report of the area surrounding your practice. This data helps us adjust your design and offers so we can target the right patients.

Creating a Marketing Plan

The first step to a marketing plan or campaign is defining what the end goal is. Whether it’s new patient acquisition or selling a specific service, you need to have an objective defined. Pick specific services to focus on. If your goal is new patient acquisition for general dentistry, the campaign can be more general. However, if it’s possible to narrow down a campaign to something specific, the outcomes are usually more successful.

Strategies and demographics vary based on service, so it’s important to create separate plans, strategies and campaigns for each service or goal. After you’ve created a marketing plan, you need to find out what patients are most profitable for your practice in terms of services and referrals and where they are geographically located.

Contact Us Today

We’ll use our proprietary software to help you find your target market. This way you will only contact the right patients and can identify potential barriers and issues that might impact the success of your marketing campaign. Call us at 866-583-2015 to learn more about our services and how we can help you find your target market.