Dental Staff Training

Training your staff is an important part of the service that we provide.  Below is one of the many staff coaching videos we provide with our unique dental marketing program…

At123 Postcards, we work to maximize your return on the money and effort that you put into finding new patients for your dental practice.  The last thing you want to do is spend money and effort to get new patients to reach out to you, only for them to have a bad customer service experience at the front desk.  We know that your receptionist staff is vital to the success of your marketing campaigns with us and in the future. That’s why we take the time to listen to calls made to your practice and give your staff meaningful feedback that can be used to enhance the level of service that you provide to your patients.  With our program, you’ll be able to:

We’ve listened to hundreds of thousands of incoming phone calls to dental practices.  We’ve taken this goldmine of information and produced over  2 ½ hours of coaching videos all created to improve staff proficiency in scheduling new patients.  Each video is based upon 37 Key Performance Indicators we’ve identified can improve your scheduling ratio.   These videos (like the one shown above) are delivered based upon the results of each mailing campaign, so your staff is able to continuously improve their front office skills.

Here’s what you get with 123 Postcards…

Dedicated Marketing Advisor 

Initial Training

Ongoing, Customized Staff Coaching Videos

Take a look at the results that you can expect to achieve by partnering with 123Postcards on our ROI calculator. Also, feel free to read what our clients have been saying about their experience running advertising campaigns with us. Then, when you are ready for more new patients at your practice, call us at 866-583-2015 and start improving your practice today.
